admin – Southeast Sign Company Electric Sign Company - South Florida Tue, 14 Mar 2023 16:46:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 admin – Southeast Sign Company 32 32 Why it is Important to Hire a Licensed Sign Contractor Wed, 06 Jan 2021 13:37:33 +0000 Need a sign in South Florida? Well, you certainly have options. There are over 100 sign companies in Broward County.

However, the overwhelming majority of these companies specialize in print products; but if approached by a potential customer about a channel letter sign, they will often take on the task.

For a small business owner seeking sign services, it can be difficult to decipher who is qualified in electrical signs and who is taking on a task they’re not suited for. As crazy as it may seem, just because a company has the word “signs” in their company name – does NOT mean they are qualified to deal with electrical signs!

Always ask if the sign company is a licensed sign contractor.

The proper license Is “ES.” This license is an electrical specialty license, certifying a contractor to pull permits on and install electrical signs. The contractor can also be an EC, but this is less common for sign companies. A quick and easy way to ensure that you are dealing with a contractor is to search the Florida DBPR website: “Licensee Search.”

Here are more reasons to Hire A Licensed Sign Contractor:

Knowledge of City Code: Every electrical sign needs a permit. The permit process can be grueling to those who do not understand it. Each city in the state operates off its own unique sign codes. The sign code includes sign size limitations, color, sign type, material, placement, etc. Your sign’s salesman must be familiar with these guidelines to ensure you are being sold a sign that will be approved by the city.

In addition to design guidelines, signs must be stamped by an engineer and have structural & electrical detailed drawings that conform with the code, or they will be DENIED in permitting. With every denial means a resubmission of your permit, i.e., more time to wait for your sign! Southeast Sign Company has experienced sales and permit staff with extensive knowledge of municipal sign codes.

Job Quality: The storefront sign is the first impression of your company, an investment in your space that should last years to come. If a company is not licensed to install your sign, how can you trust the quality of the product? A crooked sign, has outages, light spots, etc., is a terrible first impression. Southeast Sign Company only produces the highest quality signage.

Safety: Unlicensed sign contractors do not carry the insurance necessary to complete electrical sign work. A typical install involves lift trucks, power tools, and electrical work. An inexperienced installer can leave damage to your building façade, install a sign that has electrical/fire hazards, hurt themselves on your property.
